May Water Healing

Private Water Healing Sessions

Available dates for 1:1 water session:

  • Thursday, May 9th 1pm, 3pm

  • Friday May 10th 10am, 12pm

  • Sunday May 11th 3:30pm

Where: Montebello, CA

The private personal water sessions are for you if you have a deeper interest and commitment to delve into the process of self-exploration and revelation, renewal, and rebirthing. This unique session is curated for you if you are going through a transformative process in your life, or ready to spark another level of creativity, seeking clarity on your life’s purpose and intuition, or working through family or ancestral trauma. Working with water gives you access to the deeper layers hidden in the subconscious that are perhaps inhibiting your growth and renewal.

  • $575 per person

    3 hrs

    30 min prep call

    1.5 hr water session

    1 hr integration

  • The Process:

    • Immerse in an intention call (30 minutes). The purpose of this call is to acquaint you and me with your current circumstances and to set intentions for how we will work with the water during our session. This call takes place before our water session.

    • Submerge in a water session (1hr 20 min.)

    • Emerge with integration (1hr) The integration call is intended to support you through the information and emotional processes that emerged from the session.

    Once you book, we will schedule our first prep call.

    Location details will be provided upon booking.

Group Floating Sound Bath

Upcoming Dates:

  • Saturday, May 4th

Where: Montebello, CA

This is a unique and intimate group sound bath experience where you're guided to float in body temperature water as you listen and feel the sound of Tibetan bowls and other sound instruments radiating sound waves throughout your body.

SOUND + FLOATING: Sound travels fairly quickly through the air and even faster through the water. Because our bodies are over 70% water, sound that is played/sent through water outside of our bodies travels deeper and faster through our bodily systems, creating subtle yet immediate results.

  • $175 pp, 2 hrs

    Min. 4 people, max 6

    *If it’s a larger group we can schedule a 20 min call, as it’s a more specialized experience.

    Refund: No refunds. Considerations will be taken on a case by case basis.

  • The process:

    • Takes place in a warm or heated pool (93-97 degrees body temperature)

    • We start in a circle for introductions and intention setting

    • You will then be guided in the water with intentional instructions

    • Once in the water you will be guided through a guided meditation and gently placed in a floating position where you will experience the sounds rippling through

    • We close the circle in the water with a share and support for integration post experience.

Be Held: Group Water Healing


Be held is a much deeper and elevated experience for the group. Imagine yourself gently wrapped by the warmth of the water as you're gently held, swayed then floated. Listening and feeling the ripples of the sound bowls reverberating throughout your body, unwinding where stress has lived and expanding the limits of your body's mobility and mind's perception to places you have not gone before.

This is a unique and intimate group water healing experience where you're guided into the water, the amniotic fluid of life, to surrender in a loving embrace in water.  Since this is a group experience it can be immensely powerful since there is an energy field that is generated by the group. This energy field is able to contain and reflect back what each person participating is needing in their process. It acts as a mirror of the quantum bodies.

  • Investment: $ 275 per person

    Duration: (3 hrs depending on amount of participants)

    Participants: Min 4 people max 7

    *If it’s a larger group we can schedule a 20 min call, as it’s a more specialized experience.

  • Intention is the most important piece when working with water. Water is the element that is able to morph energetically according to the intention. And because working with water is working with the subconscious realm, imagine this experience as an opportunity to be in more direct and conscious communication with that part within.

    The Process:

    • Takes place in a warm or heated pool (93-97 degrees body temperature)

    • We start in a circle for intention setting and instructions

    • Once guided into the water each participant receives a mini water healing session

    • Guided through a sound bath in water

    • We close the circle in the water with a share and support for integration post experience.

    No refunds. Considerations will be taken on a case by case basis.

  • If there's a particular intention/celebration (a birthday, rite of passage, new job, new home, welcoming a baby, death of a loved one) I can help curate that experience and would require a 20 min. consult.

    If it’s just a group of friends coming together to witness each other’s healing with individual intentions then this is a perfect experience.

Rachel B.

She guides us to the water, and yet in the water… it's more free than that. She holds space for our movements and dreams, her presence a hypnotic comfort through unsolicited recollection… working with Rocio has changed my life, and it's still changing…

Vanessa S.

“Rocio’s water healing work is utterly life changing and necessary for any human being looking to understand themselves and emerge into the person they’ve always dreamed they could be.”
